12 May 2013

The Sunshine Award Nomination!

I'm still gob-smacked, as I don't recall ever being nominated for anything, but a very talented young woman Rayona Tunelo has nominated me for the Sunshine Award and I'm over the moon!

Please find below the Sunshine Award’s simple rules:

  • Post the Sunshine Award logo
  • Then nominate 10 fellow bloggers you feel are worthy of this award
  • Announce their nomination on their blog
  • -back to the nominator’s blog

Questions for all nominees:

Favourite colour? Purple
Favourite animal? My two cats, Tigger & Mr. Tibbs
Favourite number? 9
Favourite non-alcoholic drink? Fizzy Water
Favourite alcoholic drink? Mojito
Facebook or Twitter? Never Twitted a day in my life, I do have a Facebook page but I only accept people I've met in real life - I'm old school like that.
My Passions? Cooking, reading, writing, travelling, my fantastic son and my friends, not necessarily in that order!
Giving or Receiving Gifts? Both are rewarding!

My 10 nominees along with their fantastic blogs, which you should check out, are:
  1. Nelly Neurotic
  2. Janine Mullenger
  3. Vashti Quiroz-Vega
  4. Martin Stephenson
  5. Jessica Clauss Valentine
  6. Megan Has OCD
  7. Dizzy Lizzie
  8. Michelle Stodden
  9. Broken Halo
  10. Emma Henly

Once again a Big Thank You to Rayona Tunelo for nominating me and don't forget to check out her blog...

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