17 May 2013

O Is For Ostrich Syndrome...

During the decade I battled with depression, I spent a number of years with my head in the sand. At the time, I had little money, even less energy, and was very ill-equipped for any kind of battle other than the one going on in my mind. So, I started to ignore certain aspects of my daily life.

One of my biggest dreads, at that time, was the mail. Gone were the days of receiving letters from friends who live on the other side of the world, or the picturesque postcard from those on holiday. Now days it's all ominous brown envelopes containing bills, bills and more bills.

My depressed addled brain reasoned that as I didn't have the money to pay the bills why put myself through the stress and worry. So I simply stopped opening those nasty brown envelops. As I'm sure you can imagine this didn't stop the bills from coming, oh no. Now I had a large shoebox full of those nasty brown envelopes.

I would kid myself that if I ever ran out of toilet paper those nasty brown envelopes would come in very handy. Of course, I never did run out of toilet paper and over the years, one large shoebox became two and then three. Unfortunately, bills like chewing gum on the bottom of your trainers have a tendency of sticking, sometime long after you've forgotten about them.

Now let me tell you that by the time I did get around to opening my mounting collection of brown envelopes, not only did I have debt collectors pestering me, but half the time I couldn't even remember which bill they were pestering me about. So, if you are living through a similar situation, don't do what I did. Ask a trusted friend or family member to take over the dreaded brown envelope duty until such a time when you are better able to cope.


Unknown said...

Ugh. Been there. Done that. It was a really bad idea and the consequences reached much further into the future than I had realized. Your advice is good and I hope your readers heed the warning.

Joëlle said...

Jennifer, I'm still paying off the debts I amassed during that time. From the time I get paid, I probably spend one hour with my account in the black and the rest of the month in the red. The difference now is that everything is automatic and I don't spend any time wondering about it.