16 May 2013

'One Lovely Blog Award' Nomination & Nominees!

I’ve been nominated by the talented Alienora Taylor - check out her blog - for the One Lovely Blog Award. Like many great things in life this took me completely by surprise and totally made my day, so a Big Thank You to you for nominating me Alienora!

The rules of the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’:

  • Add the “One Lovely Blog Award” image to your post
  • Share seven things about you
  • Pass the award on to seven nominees
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Inform the nominees by posting on their blogs
Seven things about me:
  1. I have an absolutely brilliant Son who makes me proud to be a Mother.
  2. I’m originally from New Zealand but was born in Belgium.
  3. I’m bilingual English/French.
  4. I love strong black Italian coffee.
  5. I always take my pillow with me when I stay in hotels, I would take my duvet with me but it doesn’t fit in my suitcase.
  6. I practice Yoga everyday.
  7. I’ve been a vegetarian since my early teens.
…And my seven nominees are…
  1. Ray http://themusicalpoet.wordpress.com/
  2. One Starving Activist http://starvingactivist.wordpress.com/
  3. Suzie81 http://suzie81.wordpress.com
  4. Jennifer Clark http://jennlclark.blogspot.com/
  5. Rayona Tuneelo http://anonymouspreach.blogspot.com/
  6. A Long http://ajwrites57.blogspot.com/
  7. Suzie Jones http://agirlabused.blogspot.com/
…Go check out their fantastic blog…


ajwrites57 said...

Thanks so much DJ! I appreciate it! Congratualtions to all the other niminees, too!

One Starving Activist
Jennifer Clark
Rayona Tuneelo
Suzie Jones

Unknown said...

Nice blog :)
Hope we can follow each other?
Followed you in GC
