26 May 2013

J Is For The Journey Of Life


As the late, great John Lennon once sang 'life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans'. We can't control every little thing no matter how hard we try but part of the thrill of life is those unexpected twists and turns. You start on one course and end up on a very different one...

I know my life hasn't always gone as planned, but that journey has taken me to places I may never have visited of my own free volition. I never planned to succumb to depression - well let’s face it no one would - but that journey lead me to discover so much about myself. It is now very much a part of what makes me, me!

In all likelihood, I would have never started this blog or met some of the incredible people who have inspired me to keep writing. Looking back on my journey to date, some of the most memorable times in my life were the unplanned ones, the ones that just came about.

So for today, I'm happy to be me and to have friends who accept me for who I am. I now look forward to tomorrow and all that it may bring, like a blank page in a notebook waiting to be filled...

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