There is something to be said about the bond between a daughter and her father...
a little girl I wanted nothing more than to grow up and marry mine. In
fact, the sentiment I was trying to portray was to find a man like my
father... with the same morals, sense of adventure and humour, with an
ability to see the good and funny in most things in life. A perpetual
optimist who enjoyed each day as if it where his first.
father was truly a great man, with all of the aforementioned qualities,
and while he was alive everything in the world seemed right... with his
passing my world dimmed. I lost my footing for a while as it seemed, to
me at least, that my father - the eternal believer in my abilities -
had taken his faith with him, and that is when the negative, dark
thoughts started to filter into my mind.
Perhaps it was because I
felt a great deal of sorrow and regret for not getting the chance to say
goodbye to this wonderful man I was lucky enough to call Daddy, and
that feeling lingered and festered into an unhealthy dose of guilt. Add
to that the repeated hiccups that every day life brings, and the stress
starts to build with nowhere to go.
Now don't get me wrong I love
my mother but she has the unique ability to rub me up the wrong way.
Where my father saw only the good in me, my mother has always tended to
see the bad and okay as a teenager I was rebellious to a fault. Having
said that I'm now in my forties and have come a long way from the rebel I
was. Yet still my mother finds fault, and unfortunately from where I'm
sitting, will never fully approve of me or the life I chose...
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